Hello, my name is Adriana Sroka and I am currently a Senior who will be graduating from Becton Regional High School this June 2018. I intern at AFC Urgent Care in Lyndhurst and Becton Regional High School with Ms. Vaccaro, the Media Specialist. As I approach college, planning to study Surgery, I look forward to continuing my time as an intern and sharing all of my experiences!
Friday, January 12, 2018
Calm Week in the Media Center
This week was very quiet and was not busy at all so I sat down with my mentor Ms. Vaccaro and interviewed her and asked her 12 questions to get to know her a little bit more. I learned a lot about her and her career path. Other than interviewing Ms. Vaccaro, I also put magazines away, delivered some papers and much more. I also spent time helping out Mrs. Melchionne with the attendance.